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Sweater Care Tips to Keep Your Sweaters Looking Their Best

Writer's picture: Craig's Dry CleanersCraig's Dry Cleaners

Sweater weather has arrived, and the last thing you want is your favorite sweater shrinking, pilling, or stretching. We all enjoy layering up and dressing cozy for the cold weather while looking our best. Therefore, proper sweater care is essential to ensure the garment's longevity and keep it looking like new all season long.

Consider More Than Just the Price When Sweater Shopping

While price is a major consideration when shopping for your winter wardrobe, there are other things to think about before making your seasonal purchase that ensures the clothing items will last beyond one season.

  • Weave and Material Type: Tighter yarns are more durable than soft, loose materials.

  • Care Requirements: Ensure you know what to expect when caring for your new sweater and that those needs work with your typical wardrobe maintenance.

  • Special Trims: Trims such as suede, leather, or beading often require additional care or professional attention.

Always Follow the Care Label Before the First Wash

As with all clothing and textile items, you should read the item’s care label to ensure proper maintenance for its lifetime. If the sweater recommends dry cleaning only, always bring it to your local dry cleaner to ensure the longevity and vibrance of your item. Many sweater care labels also say “lay flat to dry,” so you want to listen to ensure your sweaters last without loss of their shape and fit.

Always Fold Instead of Hanging Your Sweaters

The delicate nature of sweaters requires proper closet storage to avoid ruining your cozy garments. You may have been told to never hang your sweaters before, but it is extremely important to follow this advice. The slightest pull on the delicate sweater material can stretch it and completely ruin the comfy fit you fell in love with. Always fold your sweaters when putting them away in your closet, even if you choose to fold them onto a hanger.

Invest in a Pill Remover

When sweaters begin getting those unsightly fuzz balls, it does not only make your items look bad it can cause further damage to the material if the pills get snagged. While you may have read online that you can use a razor to shave off the pills, it is a nerve-racking process to avoid creating a hole in your beloved sweater. Instead, purchase a sweater pill remover to make removing those pesky fuzzes simple and stress-free.

Fix Sweater Snags or Holes at Home

Small holes or snags, unfortunately, happen from time to time. This handy at-home trick could save your beloved sweater in a pinch.

  1. Turn the sweater inside out.

  2. Using a sewing needle or crochet hook, pull the extra yarn through to the inside of the sweater.

  3. Knot the snag in place.

  4. Turn it right side out to hide it from view!

Keep Your Sweaters Free from Lint

Regularly checking your sweaters for lint and fuzz will prevent a dreaded situation of dealing with finding these items after you’ve left your house. Always have a lint roller handy to keep your sweaters lint and pet hair free.

Follow Proper Sweater Storage Guidelines

When it is time to put your sweaters away until next year, make sure they are clean. You may think of it as spring cleaning your sweaters to ensure the removal of all stains or hidden dirt before packing away the items. Storing sweaters and other clothing items when they are dirty can lead to ruined garments over time because of permanent staining or insect damage.

After freshly cleaning your sweaters, you should fold and store them in a cool, dark, dry, and well-ventilated area. Avoid storing your sweaters in plastic bags or bins to reduce the chance of trapped moisture ruining your garments.

Unsure about proper sweater storage? Contact Craig’s Dry Cleaners and ask about our convenient winter clothing storage service to ensure proper cleaning and storage of your sweaters, so they are ready to wear when the cooler weather comes back around.



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